Starkart Urban Art Exhibitions

 Brauerstrasse 126  8004 Zürich  
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BLAKK KRISTMÅ$$ _ tags on trash bags _ 🏴 ***

BLAKK KRISTMÅ$$ tags on trash bags 24/25/26 December 2012

Blakk Kristmass is a quasi consumeristic 🛒 room-installation with neo-graffiti and heaps of tags on trash bags. It’s inspired by the philosophies of new materialism and speculative realism. tags on trash bags is about love and hate but also about lost and lust. Its about the past present and future. Its about art in the artspace 💀. Its about everything, but its message is nothing. Zero. Vacant. Empty. Dead. Over. Post-contemporary. Essentially, in the cultural scene, which is falling apart, most of the time it goes like this: something very important 🆒 follows something very intelligent and closes with something 🆕 and sparkling.🥂 Nastrovje!

Tags on Trash bags exhibition

Tags on Trash bags expo

#HD #tomorrow #LO-FI #Simulacrum #SUBLIMIERUNG #@HOME #SUSPENSION #ENERGYDRINK #AESTHETIC #hyperreal #safety zone #REFERENZ #ambivalent #REFRAME #AURA #NONSTOP #AFFIRMATIV #eyecandy #Accelerationism #LUBRICANT #CAPITAL #€INSAM #FOLLOW #ANDROID #evakuiert #reinszenierung #LOBBY #NOTIME™ #IRGENDWO #WI-FI #FUTURE #eco-friendly plastic cups #WELLNESS #荒涼としたアート #ETHNO #$UBJEK #ETIKETT #UNAMI #BOUTIQUE #EPIC #SOUNDTRACK #FRAGMENTIERT #REFLEKTIERT #artspace #NEW MATERIALISM #AVATAR #S¥STEMSTEUERUNG #GLOBAL #reisen #VISION #ENDLOS #WILLKOMMEN #KOFFEIN #konsumiert #TECHNOKULTUR #darkeconomy #seductive violence #NOSTALGIA #情熱 #RE-BRANDING #180% #MONSTER #ICE #VAPOR #VAPORWAVE #co-opt #MOTIVATIONSWEBINAR #TRANSAKTION #speculative realism #promiskuität #FREIZEIT-AKTIVITÄT #24/7 #STARBUCKS #Spa #PAPIERKORB #PORNO #DROHNEN #FASSADE #post internet #gif #GLOSSY #MACHO #Dubai #warme luft #empty inside #OBS©LETE #In-Flight Meal #UMWÄLZUNG #postcontemporary #DELUXE #دمر #TATTOO #Plastiksack #§ #TOP-DOWN #¥ 2K50 #UPLOAD #overstimulated #SCHLAFMITTEL #selbstoptimierend #BLISS

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