Starkart Urban Art Exhibitions

 Brauerstrasse 126  8004 Zürich  
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Posts tagged "urbanart zurich"

Today Students from the University of Zürich (UZH) visited the NO(W)HERE* expo. They were peaking me with questions about Urban Art Events. After some explaining, some more questions about our artspace, graffiti, street art, our site old house full of graffiti and Tags on the outside (another artspace) where the gallery is located and some laughs the questions were more or less answered. So then we had still some time […]


Urban Art Expo 21th February – 29th March 2014 Starkart präsentiert die erste Urban Art Expo der Schweiz. Nachdem diese Kunstrichtung international bereits grosse Anerkennung geniesst, findet nun in Zürich eine Expo zu diesem Thema statt. In der Ausstellung NO(W)HERE* wollen wir alle Neugierigen auf eine Reise durch Raum und Zeit des Phänomens Street und Urban Art einladen. Wir möchten den geschätzten Besuchern Kenntnisse über die Herkunft und insbesondere auch […]


Stolen!! C215 ‘s awesome stencil artwork has been stolen. He did this awesome piece earlier this year in our neighborhood on a red mailbox: It’s a portrait of the playfellow of Christian Guemy’s daughter Nina. Now some small litte dirty thief has stolen the piece and hides it at home like a hamster. What a bold move. We have spoken to the owner of the postbox which is shared with […]


Mariusz Waras also known as M-City from Gdansk Poland, was for the first time in Switzerland. The artist is well known for large scale stencil murals and his industrial criticism. He visited Starkart and painted two bold pieces – one on the wall – a plane crashing into a city and the other one on the ground in the front-yard – a broken wall piece. Here you can watch a […]


C215 was just very recently in Zuerich and left some truly nice gifts in form of stenciled artworks in the Streets for us all to enjoy. Go and see them live while they still there, as on the screen it’s not quite the same. You probably know where to find them, if you know his style… A good reason to go outside and take a stroll, catch some fresh air […]


Thanks to Doppelrahm, he did a short Video from the Exhibition Opening at the Gallery. Stencil Street Art: Stencil Street Art? Stencil Street Art exhibitions in zurich switzerland by The place for urban art&streetart exhibitions. Related Images:


La Belle Vie Vernissage by LUDO eröffnet am 7. April in der Starkart Gallery in Zürich. Es ist die erste Einzelausstellung des in Paris ansässigen Künstlers Ludo. Wir zeigen Stücke aus seiner “Nature’s Revenge” Serie sowie andere brandneue Werke. LUDO wird mit seiner Soloshow sämtliche 15 Räume der Galerie bespielen. Er hat dafür mehr als 18 Werke vorbereitet. Graphit-Arbeiten mit grüner Ölfarbe in unterschiedlichen Formaten, sowie einige Installationen die er […]

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