Christian Guemy war kurz in Zürich um für das neu erbaute Lycée Français de Zurich, in Stettbach ein Stencil Werk zu malen.
» Read more...Christian Guemy war kurz in Zürich um für das neu erbaute Lycée Français de Zurich, in Stettbach ein Stencil Werk zu malen.
» Read more...Here a few nice pictures of the Stencil Bastards 3 Opening: It was a great evening and lots of people came and enjoyed the stencil art, the drinks, the music and themselves. Almost all of the artists where still here and so they had some good chats with the Stencil-aficionados. I was later laying down some serious tunes on the turntables, most of the people liked it a lot, there […]
» Read more...The return of the Stencil Jedis! We moved the Stencil Bastards 3 show to the 25. July – 29. August 2014. Also, we are very happy to report that Chris Stain (USA) will now join the show! Watch out, the Stencil Bastards are in town! C215 (FR), Logan Hicks (USA), Chris Stain (USA), ALIAS (DE), Martin Whatson (NO), Hutch (UK), L.E.T. (DE), Epsylon Point (FR) STARKART Zurich is pleased to […]
» Read more...The Urban Art Expo NO(W)HERE* is extended till 14th. April due to high demand! So everyone who has not seen the expo till now, this is the last chance. Come by and get a sense of the Urban Art Culture 21. February – 12. April 2014 / / Tue/Fri : 17-20 h, Sa 14-19 h Here’s a interview with me, talking about the NO(W)HERE* expo. Many thanks to Tanya König for the interview […]
» Read more...Urban Art Expo 21th February – 29th March 2014 Starkart präsentiert die erste Urban Art Expo der Schweiz. Nachdem diese Kunstrichtung international bereits grosse Anerkennung geniesst, findet nun in Zürich eine Expo zu diesem Thema statt. In der Ausstellung NO(W)HERE* wollen wir alle Neugierigen auf eine Reise durch Raum und Zeit des Phänomens Street und Urban Art einladen. Wir möchten den geschätzten Besuchern Kenntnisse über die Herkunft und insbesondere auch […]
» Read more...Stolen!! C215 ‘s awesome stencil artwork has been stolen. He did this awesome piece earlier this year in our neighborhood on a red mailbox: It’s a portrait of the playfellow of Christian Guemy’s daughter Nina. Now some small litte dirty thief has stolen the piece and hides it at home like a hamster. What a bold move. We have spoken to the owner of the postbox which is shared with […]