Starkart Urban Art Exhibitions

 Brauerstrasse 126  8004 Zürich  
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Posts tagged "accelerationism"

⛓ httpism trigger warning Don’t Click Here LEANLINKS SJW intersectionalism @TheLordVega Mar 25. More. Copy link to Tweet; Embed Tweet. Replying to @tweetsauce. 🌑 🌑 can you see the color …Any suggestions for a new assumptions IHE or SFTW video should be posted in the IHE and SFTW …. love his dear mother maybe forever 🌑even🌑 living with her in heaven forever …. 🌑 🌑 hyperlinks Everybody knows, httpism ⛓ […]


empty inside Die Premiere unseres neuen Projekts E L Y S I U M vergangenes Wochenende war „cool” – im sprichwörtlichen Sinn – und hat Spass gemacht. Wir haben zahlreiche Feedbacks zu unserem Konzept und zu den LEANDRINKS erhalten. Unsere selbstgemachten Kaltauszüge und Essenzen sind ein ästhetisches Geschmackserlebnis und einmalig in Zürich. Besonders beliebt waren Ananassalbei, Pacific und Dirtybeach. Auch die Einrichtung die wir komplett selbst gestaltet haben, wurde als […]


It was a fantastic first opening of the O F F S P A C E show on a warm Zurich summer night, with lots of new and familiar faces! We enjoyed to answer all the questions about TAGS and vandalism. And we are also very proud that this show opened so many minds. Wile we’re talking about it…. the second opening is on September 11. The topic then is […]


Quick video Trailer The creation of the TAGS! They are anonymous. They are viral, reckless and undesirable. They grow where they can. Innocent bystanders run daily past ’em. They arise casually and rarely come alone. They appear on street posts, dustbins, facades, on art in public spaces, historic buildings and religious institutions. No surface in urban areas is safe from them. For years, they cover most suburbs and inner cities, […]


BLAKK KRISTMÅ$$ tags on trash bags 24/25/26 December 2012 Blakk Kristmass is a quasi consumeristic 🛒 room-installation with neo-graffiti and heaps of tags on trash bags. It’s inspired by the philosophies of new materialism and speculative realism. tags on trash bags is about love and hate but also about lost and lust. Its about the past present and future. Its about art in the artspace 💀. Its about everything, but […]

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